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The Minister's Speech



The aim at this stage is to safeguard the dignity of the Egyptian  citizen , and make sure  that  he obtain the required services , whether  it is a clean glass of water , or the service of sewage , or a housing unit, or a street and sidewalk and a green area in the new cities. New Urban Communities Authority is considered to be  a " treasure "  for  Egypt  which  must be made use of  . Work   must   be pushed   and    performance   developed  at the Authority . He pointed out that the schemes of new cities will be implemented   from now on  , and there are proposed projects of these schemes will  be provided  immediately . These projects will contribute to advancing   development   and  reviving  economy . The goal or the  message  that we want to get through these amendments  is how to create an  attractive and motive  environment  for investment, while maintaining  the right of the State at the same time .

The minister of  Housing , Utilities and  Urban Communities

Pro f . Eng . , Moustafa   Madbouly 


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